Create Survey Online | 2024 Step-To-Step Guide


Anh Vu 21 March, 2024 7 min read

In this world of people who seem more hustle and rush, it’s best to create survey online for organizational motives, which are crucial to get a high rate of response and promised results.

 If you are wondering which is the best option for this, you are in the right place. We are here to provide the best solution for optimizing online surveys to effectively read the audience’s mind.

How many questions should it be in online survey?10-20 questions
How long should Iit take to complete on survey?Less than 20 minutes
Top 3 Free Survey Tools available?AhaSlides, SurveyMonkey,
Create Survey Online in a Correct Way

Table of Contents

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Create Survey Online – Advantages

It is undeniable that feedback play important role in any kind of organization and business in terms of research and development. Obtaining feedback through surveys are significant implementation for different organizational purposes, such as evaluating employee satisfaction, monitoring operational effectiveness, conducting market research, understanding customers’ needs, doing competitive analysis, etc… 

Now that technology has been advanced and innovative for a more productive process, it is time for collecting feedback through online and digital versions. When it comes to Online surveys, there are plenty of benefits, which are mentioned below:


Compared to traditional surveys, the online version helps to increase cost-efficiency, such as deduction on the use of paper, printing, mailing, and postage.  It also helps to leverage accessibility to massive participants globally at the same time. Especially it is more economical as opposed to focus groups which require extra costs and services. Besides, maintaining real-time data can save the burden on working hours for researchers in distributing, collecting, and sorting data. 


You do not need to put too much time and energy to design beautiful and rational surveys on your own since many platforms give you free trials with a variety of templates for different purposes. Nowadays, with a few simple clicks, you can create and edit an online survey quickly and simply. There are many free online templates for you to choose from with suggested questions.  Almost online survey software integrates useful administration and analysis functions. 

User friendly

Online surveys allow respondents to finish surveys at a time that is convenient for them and provide a pressure-free environment for them to answer questions, in the meanwhile,  that would make respondents uncomfortable during a face-to-face interview. In addition, you can manage responses and increase response rates by using email invites, email reminders, and response quotas. 

🎉 Learn more: Increase response rates + examples with AhaSlides

More Flexibility

It is easy to create, edit and format online surveys through online editing platforms, such as AhaSlides. They offer many types of templates with a range of suggested questions for your own target. No programming skills and knowledge are necessary. It is a huge plus when you are free to design exactly what you want. 

More Accuracy

Privacy is one of the biggest advantages of doing online surveys. As more companies keep the survey responses to be anonymous. Access is totally restricted so that no one has simultaneous access to the Analyse and Distribute tabs until the survey has been closed and the identifying information has been purged.

Create Survey Online
Create Survey Online. How to create a survey online? Source: SnapSurveys

5 Steps to Create Survey Online

Define Clear Objectives and Target Audience

In the first step, never avoid outlining objectives and target audiences. It is a specific action that would help to achieve your survey’s goals. When you are clear about the survey’s purpose and where you want to acquire information, it would help to make sure you know the right type of questions to ask and stick to specific questions and remove ambiguous questions.

Choose an Online Survey Tool

Which online survey tool is right for you? It is one of the most considerable factors, as a bad choice of survey tool can hold you back from enlarging your business potential.  It is never been easy to find suitable online surveys for your grounds. 

Some features you can take a look at:

  • Responding to spreadsheets
  • Logic ordering and page branching
  • Media option
  • Types of questionnaires
  • Data analysis features
  • Users friendly

Design Survey Questions

Based on the online survey tool, you can start to brainstorm and outline questionnaires. Well-designed questions will keep the respondent attentive, and willing to collaborate, plus enhance the accuracy of feedback.

Key elements for creating online questionnaires

  • Keep wording short and simple
  • Only use individual questions
  • Allow respondents to choose “other” and “don’t know”
  • From general to specific questions
  • Offer the option to skip personal questions
  • Use balanced rating scales
  • Ending surveys by utilizing closed-ended questions

Or, check out: Top 10 Free Survey Tools in 2024

Test your Survey

To test an online survey and ensure that your survey works properly, you can follow these steps:

  1. Preview the survey: Preview your survey to check the formatting, layout, and functionality of the survey. This will allow you to check if the questions and answers are displayed correctly and are easy to understand.
  2. Test the survey on multiple devices: Test the survey on multiple devices such as desktop, laptop, tablet, and mobile phone to ensure that it is responsive and user-friendly across different platforms.
  3. Test the survey logic: If your survey has any skip logic or branching questions, test it thoroughly to make sure that it is working as intended.
  4. Test the survey flow: Test the flow of the survey from start to finish to ensure that the survey progresses smoothly, and there are no errors or glitches.
  5. Test the survey submission: Test the survey submission process to ensure that responses are recorded correctly, and there are no errors in the data.
  6. Get feedback: Get feedback from others who have tested your survey to see if they experienced any issues or found any problems with the survey.

By following these steps, you can test your online survey thoroughly and ensure that it works correctly before launching it to the public.

Send Reminders For Audiences

To remind respondents to complete the survey in the stipulated time, a reminder email is unavoidable. This email is to follow up on your audience to respond to your survey and is sent after the survey invitation email. Typically, there are two kinds of reminder emails to boost response activeness:

  • One-time reminder emails: Sent once, can be instantly or be scheduled for later, sometimes difficult to track and manage for massive respondents.
  • Automated reminder emails: Sent automatically on a fixed date and time after the invitation email is sent, usually collaborated with online survey software. 

Create Survey Online to Optimize the Audience’s Response

Now that you understand the benefits of using online surveys alongside the vital steps to creating basic to advanced surveys, it is time to put your hand to work out. However, for a more professional and tempting survey, you may peer through our other additional resources on survey design and examples. 

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Create Survey Online with AhaSlides

Get any of the above examples as templates. Sign up for free and create survey online with AhaSlides template library!

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Frequently Asked Questions

Should I have a long survey?

Depend on your topic, however, less is better to avoid unwilling responses

How to create a survey online?

You can use an AhaSlides account to do this, simply by creating a presentation, selecting a quiz type (your survey question format), publishing and sending it to your audience. You will get almost immediate responses once your AhaSlides poll is public.