38+ Popular Eustress Examples | Why It Matters | 2024 Reveals


Astrid Tran 10 May, 2024 7 min read

What are some eustress examples?

Stress is what people try to anticipate as it often relates to negative outcomes. However, “eustress” is different. It is recommended to generate eustress frequently during the journey of personal and professional growth. Let’s see why it matters in your life and career by looking at some Eutress examples in this article.

What is the meaning of Eustress?Positive stress
What is the opposite word of Eustress?Distress
When was the term first introduced?1976
Who invented the term Eustress?Hans Selye
An Overview of Eustress Example

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What is Eustress?

Stressors sometimes lead to a positive response that benefits human overall well-being, and eustress is one of them. It takes place when the gap between what one holds and what one wants is pushed, but not overwhelmed.

Eustress is different from distress. While distress refers to negative feelings about something that happened, eustress involves a sense of confidence and pleasantness at the end because the person looks positively at their capability to overcome obstacles or sickness.

Eustress is a source of inspiration that motivates individuals to develop a new hobby, learn new skills, be willing to accept new challenges, and even step outside their comfort zone. During this short-term reaction, it is understandable if you feel nervous; your heart pound or your thoughts race.

Distress can be transformed into eustress in certain situations. There is no denying that a job loss or breakup can be challenging, but it is crucial to recognize that such experiences can offer a chance for personal growth and development.

eustress example
Definition of eustress compared to distress

Factors That Influence Eustress

People intend to generate eustress when they are motivated and inspired, physically or non-physically. Here are some main factors that affect eustress.

  • Rewards: Tangible or intangible rewards are one of the main motivators. For example, if one knows that a reward is waiting for them to acquire after finishing a task or completing a course, the whole journey is much more fulfilling and engaging. or these works are meaningful, they are also finding it eustress.
  • Money: It plays a noteworthy role in influencing the stress levels associated with various activities. For example, if you have ample time and money when you go shopping, you might enjoy the whole experience. However, if you have a limited budget, or have a lot of other tasks to complete with this amount of money, you may feel stressed while shopping.
  • Time: Time constraints, when perceived as manageable, can induce eustress. A well-defined timeline for completing tasks or achieving goals creates a sense of urgency and focus. Individuals may find the challenge of meeting deadlines invigorating, contributing to a positive and productive stress response.
  • Knowledge: Eustress also occurs when people try to acquire new skills or knowledge. Eustress arises as individuals venture into the realm of curiosity and uncharted territories, driven by the prospect of discovery and personal growth.
  • Health: It is a significant factor that can influence the experience of eustress. Engaging in activities that promote physical health and mental health such as work-out, yoga, meditation, and more increases “good mood” by releasing endorphins, often referred to as “feel-good” hormones.
  • Social support: When facing obstacles, the presence of a supportive social network provides individuals with emotional, instrumental, and informational assistance, which plays a vital role in shaping their response to challenges. They can draw strength from the encouragement and understanding provided by their social circle.
  • Positive Mindset: A positive mindset and optimistic attitude influence how individuals perceive and respond to stressors. People with positive thinking often adopt a constructive approach to challenges, believe in faith and hope, view them as opportunities for growth, and transform potential stressors into positive, motivating experiences.
  • Autonomy and Control: A sense of control and autonomy over one’s life and decisions contributes to eustress. Individuals who feel empowered to make choices and decisions, particularly in areas that align with their values, experience positive stress associated with personal agency.
  • Creative Expression: When engaging in creative activities, whether artistic, musical, or other forms of expression, people enjoy it as eustress. The act of creating, experimenting, and expressing oneself creatively fosters positive stress by tapping into one’s innate creativity.
Eustress example in real life – Image: Shutterstock

Eustress Examples in Life

When does Eustress happen? How to know if it is eustress not distress? The following eustress examples in real life can help you better understand the importance of eustress and how to make the most of it.

  • Getting to know someone
  • Broadening your networks
  • Adapting
  • Traveling
  • Major life changes like marriage, and giving birth.
  • Try something different
  • Giving public speaking or debates for the first time
  • Participating in a competition
  • Change a habit
  • Being involved in an athletic event
  • Do volunteer
  • Adopt a pet
  • Staying the course

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Example of eustress in the workplace – Image: Shutterstock

Eustress Examples in the Workplace

The workplace is not all about getting stressed about achieving higher targets, collaborating with others, or working with demanding bosses or clients. Eustress examples at work might involve:

  • Feeling accomplishment after a hard day’s work.
  • Finding it rewarding to learn more about the job
  • Getting a new position
  • Changing current career
  • Receiving a desired promotion or raise
  • Deal with workplace conflicts
  • Feeling pride after working hard
  • Accepting challenging tasks
  • Feeling motivated to work hard
  • Actively engage in company events
  • Feeling happy to address customer issues
  • Accepting a rejection
  • Going into retirement

Employers need to promote eustress rather than distress within the organization. Transforming distress into eustress completely in the workplace might take some effort and time, but it can be started right away with some simple actions like setting clear goals, roles, recognitions, and punishment at work. Employees also have to give equal room that each individual can learn, develop, make changes, and challenge themselves.

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Example of eustress for students – Image: Unsplash

Eustress Examples for Students

When you are in school, whether it is high school or higher education, your life is full of eustress examples. Maintaining good academic standing, and the balance between learning and social engagement can be challenging, but don’t miss the chance to create a meaningful campus life. Some eustress examples for students involve:

  • Setting and pursuing challenging academic goals, such as aiming for a higher GPA
  • Participating in extracurricular activities, such as sports, clubs, or student organizations
  • Starting a challenging new course
  • Starting a new part-time job 
  • Getting higher degree
  • Engaging in competition or public speaking, presentations, or debates
  • Engaging in research projects or independent studies
  • Taking a gap year
  • Studying abroad
  • Doing an internship or work-study program abroad
  • Attending networking events, conferences, or workshops
  • Making new friends
  • Take a leadership role in a projects

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Bottom Lines

It is distress or eustress, mostly depending on how you perceive it. If possible, respond to stressors with positive eyes. Think of The Law of Attraction – by focusing on positive thoughts and emotions, thereby you can attract positive outcomes.

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Is eustress positive or negative?

The term Eustress is the combination of the prefix “eu” – meaning “good” in Greek and stress, which means good stress, benefit stress, or healthy stress. It is a positive response to stressors, perceived as invigorating, and may lead to increased performance and a sense of accomplishment.

What are the 3 characteristics of eustress?

It motivates you to take action immediately.
You feel a rush of excitement and fulfillment.
Your performance improves quickly.

What are some examples of eustress?

  • Buying a new house
    Opening a shop
    Attending large networking events
    Getting on the first date
    Changing a career
    Moving to countryside
  • Ref: mentalhelp | shiken