Fringe Benefits Examples | The Ultimate Guide To Create An Attractive Benefits Package in 2024


Jane Ng 22 April, 2024 7 min read

Need fringe benefits examples to practice it correctly 2023? Do you know that employees care about more than just their basic salary? A healthy work environment with various fringe benefits is also critical to them! So, offering a diverse and practical range of fringe benefits is crucial to boost your company’s competitiveness and attract top talent while enabling employees to remain dedicated and productive.

In this article, we’ll explore all aspects of fringe benefits – what they are, the different types, and some fringe benefits examples that you could offer. Whether you’re an employer looking to define your benefits package, or an employee looking to understand what’s available, we’ve got you covered!

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What Are Fringe Benefits?

Fringe benefits are extra compensation or benefits that employees receive from their employer in addition to their regular salary or wages. So, let’s check out the Fringe benefits examples!

Fringe benefits come in various forms, including those legally required, such as social security and health insurance, and those voluntarily offered by employers. Additionally, fringe benefits can vary among employees of different ranks, with executive-level employees often receiving a broader choice of gifts.

Fringe benefits examples – can be a win-win situation for the employer and the employees. Image: freepik

It can be said that fringe benefits are an excellent way for employers to show appreciation for their employees and build a positive company culture. They can be a win-win situation for both the employer and the employees.

Fringe Benefits Examples

Here are some common fringe benefits examples:

  • Annual leave. Also known as vacation leave or paid time off, employees can take time away from work while still receiving their regular pay.
  • Company cars. Some employers offer company cars to employees who need to travel frequently for work.
  • Gym memberships. Support for gym expenses as well as cover the cost of gym memberships as a way to encourage employee wellness.
  • Health insurance. This is a most common fringe benefit that provides employees with medical coverage.
  • Meal allowance. This benefit provides employees with a meal or a meal allowance, which can be used to purchase meals or groceries.

How Fringe Benefits Work

Fringe benefits are an essential part of any employee benefits program, and they can make a big difference in employees’ overall job satisfaction and well-being. 

They work by providing additional value and support to employees beyond their regular pay and benefits and can be included in a total compensation package. 

1/ Fringe benefits are not the same between companies

These benefits can vary depending on the industry, company size, and employees’ needs and preferences. In some cases, fringe benefits may be required by law, such as workers’ compensation and unemployment insurance. Other perks, such as health insurance and retirement plans, may be offered voluntarily by the employer.

2/ Rights and responsibilities to receive fringe benefits

Fringe benefits are typically communicated to employees through an employee handbook, labor contracts, or other written policies. And employees may be required to meet certain eligibility requirements to receive certain benefits. 

  • For example, employees may need to work 200 hours or have been employed for two months to be eligible for certain benefits.

3/ Fringe benefits play a crucial role for both employees and employers

It’s essential for employers to consider the types of fringe benefits carefully and to ensure compliance with relevant laws and regulations. Employers should also regularly review their benefits offerings to ensure they are meeting the needs of their employees and are competitive with other employers in the industry.

While providing fringe benefits to employees ensures their happiness at work, it also makes the company stand out to the potential employee.

Fringe benefits examples -
Fringe benefits examples

Types Of Fringe Benefits

Here are some common types of fringe benefits that employers may offer to their employees:

1/ Health and wellness benefits

Health and wellness benefits are fringe benefits designed to improve employee well-being, reduce healthcare costs, and increase employee engagement and productivity. Some examples of everyday health and wellness fringe benefits examples include:

  • Health insurance: This is a type of insurance that provides coverage for medical expenses (doctor’s visits, hospitalization, prescription medications, etc.). Employers may offer health insurance or cover some or all premium costs.
  • Wellness programs: They are designed to promote healthy habits and behaviors among employees. They may be site fitness facilities, gym memberships, nutrition counseling, and stress management programs.
  • Mental health benefits: These benefits provide support and resources for employees struggling with mental health issues, such as depression or anxiety. They may include counseling services, employee assistance programs, and mental health days.
  • FMLA leave: Although FMLA leave is unpaid, it is still considered a type of fringe benefit because it provides job protection and allows employees to take time off work for qualifying reasons without fear of losing their job.

2/ Retirement benefits 

Retirement benefits are a type of fringe benefit that is designed to help employees save for their future retirement. Some examples of retirement fringe benefits examples are:

  • 401(k) plans: United States employer-sponsored retirement savings plans allow employees to contribute a portion of their pre-tax income to a retirement account. Employers may also offer matching contributions to incentivize employees to save for retirement.
  • Pensions: Pensions are a type of retirement plan in which employers contribute funds to provide employees with retirement income. Pensions are becoming less common in the private sector but may still be offered by some government agencies and large corporations.
Fringe benefits examples – Photo: freepik

3/ Education and training benefits

Education and training benefits provide your employees with opportunities to enhance their skills, knowledge, and abilities. These benefits can help to attract and retain top talent, improve employee performance, and promote overall organizational success. Here are examples of education and training fringe benefits examples:

  • Professional development opportunities: Professional development opportunities may include attending conferences, workshops, and seminars, as well as participating in mentorship or coaching programs. This benefit allows employees to gain knowledge and expand their professional networks. 
  • On-the-job training: This benefit provides employees with opportunities to learn new skills and gain experience on the job. On-the-job training may include job shadowing, cross-training, and other practices. 

4/ Employee discounts and perks 

This benefit can help to improve employee productivity and work-life balance. Some examples of

fringe benefits are:

  • Discounts on products or services: Employers may partner with other businesses to offer discounted rates on products or services for their employees, such as travel, entertainment, electronics, or fitness memberships.
  • Free meals: Employers may provide free or subsidized meals for employees during work hours through on-site cafeterias or partnerships with local restaurants or food delivery services. By doing this, employers can ensure employees have access to nutritious meals throughout the day.
  • Company cars or cell phone plans: Employers may provide company cars or company-paid cell phone plans for employees who must travel frequently or be available for work outside regular business hours. 

How To Create A Suitable Fringe Benefits Program

One practical approach to creating suitable Fringe Benefits is to conduct an anonymous survey to gather feedback and address staff inquiries regarding HR benefits. 

With AhaSlides, employers can easily create and customize templates, surveys, anonymous Q&A sessions, and polls to track responses in real-time. This can help employers quickly and effectively identify areas of improvement and create a program tailored to their employees’ needs and preferences. 

Fringe benefits examples

Moreover, by leveraging the insights and perspectives of staff members, employers can create more comprehensive and practical fringe benefits that support employee satisfaction, engagement, and retention.

Key Takeaways

I hope this article has given you essential insights about fringe benefits, including fringe benefits examples, their types, and how they work. It’s crucial to remember that the purpose of fringe benefits is to provide employees with added value and support. By offering them, employers can keep employees motivated and engaged and stand out in the recruitment market.