Improvements to the Quiz Playing Experience on AhaSlides


Lawrence Haywood 23 September, 2022 3 min read

Recently, we’ve been super busy upping our quiz game.

Interactive quizzes remain one of the most popular uses for AhaSlides, so we’re doing whatever we can to make your and your players’ quizzing experiences something special.

Most of what we’ve been working on revolves around one idea: we wanted to give more results information to quiz players without the need for them to rely on the presenter’s screen.

For remote teachers, quiz masters and other presenters, showing the presenter screen during an event is not always possible. That’s why we wanted to decrease reliance on the quiz master and increase independence for the quiz player.

With this in mind, we made 2 updates to the quiz player’s display:

  1. Showing the results for a single question on phone
  2. Showing the leaderboard on phone

1. Showing Question Results on Phone

Before 👈

Previously, when a quiz player answered a question, their phone screen simply told them whether they got the answer correct or incorrect.

The results of the question, including what the right answer was and how many people selected or submitted each answer, was exclusively shown on the presenter’s screen.

Now 👇

  • Quiz players can see the correct answer on their phones.
  • Quiz players can see how many players chose each answer (‘pick answer’ or ‘pick image’ slides) or see how many players wrote the same answer as them (‘type answer’ slide).

There are a few UI changes we’ve made across these slides to make it clear for your players:

  • Green ticks and red crosses, representing correct and incorrect answers.
  • A red border or highlight around the incorrect answer that the player chose/wrote.
  • A human icon with a number, representing how many players selected each answer (‘pick answer’ + ‘pick image’ slides) and how many players wrote the same answer (‘type answer’ slide).
  • A green border or highlight around the correct answer that the player chose/wrote. Like this:
Correct answer shown on the audience device on AhaSlides

2. Showing the Leaderboard on Phone

Before 👈

Previously, when a leaderboard slide was shown, quiz players merely saw a sentence telling them their numerical position within the leaderboard. Example – ‘You are 17th out of 60 players’.

Now 👇

  • Every quiz player can see the leaderboard on their phones as it appears on the presenter’s screen.
  • A blue bar highlights where the quiz player is in the leaderboard.
  • A player can see the top 30 positions on the leaderboard and can scroll 20 positions above or below their own position.
Individual leaderboard shown on the audience device on AhaSlides.
Leaderboard on the phone of the player ‘Az’, showing their highlighted position.

The same applies to the team leaderboard:

Team leaderboard shown on the audience device on AhaSlides

Note 💡 While we’ve focused on improving the quiz player experience on AhaSlides, we’ve also created new features that give more control to the presenter. These features include the ability to handpick ‘type answer’ responses that you deem to be correct, and the ability to manually award and deduct points for players on the leaderboard.

Click here to read about the type answer feature and the points awarding feature on AhaSlides!