Employee Motivation Quiz | 35+ Questions & Free Templates


Leah Nguyen 06 October, 2023 6 min read

De-motivated employees account for a $8.8 trillion loss in productivity worldwide.

Overlooking employees’ satisfaction can bring dire consequences, but how can you truly get a sense of their motivations and needs in the workplace?

That’s where the motivation questionnaire for employees comes in. Developing the right motivation quiz allows you to gather valuable insights directly from your team members on a regular basis.

Dive in to see which topic and questionnaire to use for your purpose.

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Decide The Employee Motivation Questionnaire Topic

Employee Motivation Quiz

When choosing question topics, consider both individual and organisational factors that could impact motivation. Consider your objectives – What do you want to learn? Overall satisfaction? Engagement drivers? Pain points? Start by outlining your goals.

Use motivation theories like Adams’ equity theory, Maslow’s hierarchy, or McClelland’s need theory to inform topic selection. This will give you a solid framework to work from.

Segment topics across key employee attributes like team, level, tenure, and location to spot variations in motivators. Some topics you can choose are:

  • Intrinsic motivators: things like interesting work, learning new skills, autonomy, achievement, and personal development. Ask questions to understand what drives internal motivation.
  • Extrinsic motivators: external rewards like pay, benefits, work-life balance, job security. Questions gauge satisfaction with more tangible job aspects.
  • Job satisfaction: ask targeted questions about satisfaction with various job elements like workload, tasks, resources, and physical workspace.
  • Career growth: questions on development opportunities, support for advancing skills/roles, fair promotion policies.
  • Management: questions assess manager effectiveness at things like feedback, support, communication, and trusting relationships.
  • Culture & values: ask if they understand the company’s purpose/values and how well their work aligns. Also sense of teamwork and respect.

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Employee Motivation Quiz on Intrinsic Motivators

Employee Motivation Quiz on Intrinsic Motivators
  1. How important is it to you to find your work interesting?
  • Very important
  • Somewhat important
  • Not that important
  1. To what extent do you feel challenged and stimulated in your current role?
  • A great extent
  • A moderate extent
  • Very little
  1. How satisfied are you with the amount of autonomy and independence you have in your job?
  • Very satisfied
  • Somewhat satisfied
  • Not satisfied
  1. How important is continual learning and development for your job satisfaction?
  • Extremely important
  • Important
  • Not that important
  1. To what extent are you willing to take on new tasks?
  • To a large extent
  • To some extent
  • Very little extent
  1. How would you rate your sense of growth and progress in your current position?
  • Excellent
  • Good
  • Fair or poor
  1. How does your work currently contribute to your sense of self-fulfilment?
  • It contributes greatly
  • It contributes somewhat
  • It does not contribute much

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Employee Motivation Quiz on Extrinsic Motivators

Employee Motivation Quiz on Extrinsic Motivators
  1. How satisfied are you with your current level of compensation (salary/wages)?
  • Very satisfied
  • Satisfied
  • Dissatisfied
  1. To what extent does your total compensation package meet your needs?
  • To a great extent
  • To some extent
  • Very little
  1. How would you rate the availability of career advancement opportunities in your department?
  • Excellent
  • Good
  • Fair or poor
  1. How supportive is your manager in helping you reach your professional development goals?
  • Very supportive
  • Somewhat supportive
  • Not very supportive
  1. How would you rate your current work-life balance situation?
  • Very good balance
  • OK balance
  • Poor balance
  1. Overall, how would you rate other benefits (health insurance, retirement plan, etc.)?
  • Excellent benefits package
  • Adequate benefits package
  • Inadequate benefits package
  1. How secure do you feel in your current job?
  • Very secure
  • Somewhat secure
  • Not very secure

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Employee Motivation Quiz on Job Satisfaction

Very satisfiedSatisfiedNeutralDissatisfiedVery dissatisfied
1. How satisfied are you with the nature of work responsibilities in your current role?
2. How would you rate your satisfaction with work-life balance in your current role?
3. Are you satisfied with your ability to use your skills in your role?
4. How satisfied are you with your relationships with co-workers?
5. How satisfied are you with your job?
6. What is your overall level of satisfaction with your organisation as a place to work?

Employee Motivation Quiz on Career Growth

Employee Motivation Quiz on Career Growth
  1. How adequate are the opportunities for career advancement in your organisation?
  • Very adequate
  • Adequate
  • Inadequate
  1. Are you able to see clear pathways for professional development and progression in your role?
  • Yes, clear pathways are visible
  • Somewhat, but pathways could be clearer
  • No, pathways are unclear
  1. How effective is your company at identifying your skills and abilities for future roles?
  • Very effective
  • Somewhat effective
  • Not very effective
  1. Do you receive regular feedback from your manager to help your career development?
  • Yes, frequently
  • Occasionally
  • Rarely or never
  1. How supported do you feel to pursue additional training to advance your skillset?
  • Very supported
  • Supported
  • Not very supported
  1. How likely are you to still be with the company in 2-3 years?
  • Very likely
  • Likely
  • Unlikely
  1. Overall, how satisfied are you with opportunities for career growth in your current role?
  • Very satisfied
  • Satisfied
  • Dissatisfied

Employee Motivation Quiz on Management

Employee Motivation Quiz on Management
  1. How would you rate the quality of feedback and guidance you receive from your manager?
  • Excellent
  • Good
  • Fair
  • Poor
  • Very Poor
  1. How available is your manager for guidance, support or collaboration when needed?
  • Always available
  • Usually available
  • Sometimes available
  • Rarely available
  • Never available
  1. How effectively does your manager recognise your work contributions and achievements?
  • Very effectively
  • Effectively
  • Somewhat effectively
  • Minimally effectively
  • Not effectively
  1. I am comfortable bringing work issues/concerns to my manager.
  • Strongly agree
  • Agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  1. Overall, how would you rate your manager’s leadership ability?
  • Excellent
  • Good
  • Adequate
  • Fair
  • Poor
  1. What other comments do you have about how your manager can help support your work motivation? (Open-ended question)

Employee Motivation Quiz on Culture & Values

Employee Motivation Quiz on Culture & Values
  1. I understand how my work contributes to the organisation’s goals and values.
  • Strongly agree
  • Agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  1. My work schedule and responsibilities align well with my organisation’s culture.
  • Strongly agree
  • Agree
  • Somewhat agree/disagree
  • Disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  1. I feel respected, trusted and valued as an employee in my company.
  • Strongly agree
  • Agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  1. How well do you feel your values align with the company’s values?
  • Very well aligned
  • Well-aligned
  • Neutral
  • Not very well aligned
  • Not at all aligned
  1. How effectively does your organisation communicate its vision, mission and values to employees?
  • Very effectively
  • Effectively
  • Somewhat effectively
  • Ineffectively
  • Very ineffectively
  1. Overall, how would you describe your organisation’s culture?
  • Positive, supportive culture
  • Neutral/No comment
  • Negative, unsupportive culture

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Conducting a motivation questionnaire for employees is a powerful way for organisations to gain insights into what matters.

By understanding both intrinsic and extrinsic motivators, as well as gauging satisfaction levels across key factors like management, culture and career growth – companies can identify concrete actions and incentives to build a productive workforce.

Frequently Asked Questions

What questions should I ask in an employee motivation survey?

Questions that you should ask in an employee motivation survey can point to some important areas like intrinsic/extrinsic motivators, work environment, management, leadership and career development.

What questions would you measure employee motivation?

How much do you feel like you’re learning and growing in your role?
How satisfied are you with the work responsibilities in your current role?
How enthusiastic are you about your job overall?
How would you rate the atmosphere and culture in your workplace?
Does your total compensation package feel fair?

What is the employee motivation survey?

An employee motivation survey is a tool used by organisations to understand what drives and engages their employees.