Retirement Planning | 6 Steps with 4 Common Plans To Start in 2024


Jane Ng 22 April, 2024 9 min read

Retirement Planning is an important task that should not be avoided or neglected in everyone’s life. It’s never too early to start planning for your retirement, as it ensures a comfortable life without worrying about money in later years. Even if you are wealthy now, no one can predict what’s to come (like the Covid-19 pandemic two years ago). So it is always wise to be prepared. 

Retirement Planning
Retirement Planning

Retirement planning is the best way to ensure that your golden years are enjoyable and stress-free. In this blog post, we’ll delve deeper into the importance of retirement planning and steps on how to get started.

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What Is Retirement Planning?

Retirement planning is the way you determine your retirement income goals and create a financial plan to achieve those goals. To have a complete retirement plan, you’ll need to take three steps:

  • Assess your current financial situation;
  • Estimate the cost you need in the future;
  • Create a strategy to ensure you have enough money to maintain your desired lifestyle after retirement.

Retirement planning provides financial security and peace of mind during your golden years. It allows you to “live” the life you want and achieve your goals without working to maintain a stable life. You can comfortably travel, pursue hobbies or spend time with loved ones.

There are different retirement planning options, such as pension plans, individual retirement accounts (IRAs), and 401(k) plans. They all help you to enjoy financial security and peace of mind during your retirement years. However, we’ll dig deeper into these types of retirement plans in the following sections.

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How Much Do You Need For Retirement?

How much you need to save for retirement will depend on your circumstances and goals. So, the best way to determine how much money to spend on this is to work with a financial advisor to create a retirement plan that meets your needs.

However, here are some factors that can help you determine how much you need to save:

  • Retirement goals and lifestyle: Think about what kind of lifestyle you would like to have in retirement. Then list how much money you will need to cover these expenses.
  • Estimated expenses: Estimate your future expenses, including healthcare, housing, food, transportation, and other living expenses.
  • Life expectancy: It sounds a bit sad, but the reality is that you need to consider your family history and current health to get an estimate of your life expectancy. It will help you determine how long you will need your retirement savings.
  • Inflation: Inflation can erode the value of your savings over time, so it’s essential to account for the impact of inflation on your retirement savings.
  • Retirement age: The age at which you plan to retire can also affect how much you need to save. The sooner you retire, the longer you need your retirement savings to last.
  • Social Security benefits: Consider how much you will receive from Social Security benefits and how that will affect your retirement income.
  • Return on investment: Not everyone has investments. However, the return on your retirement investments can also affect how much you need to save. A higher return may mean you need to save less, while a lower return may mean you need to save more.

Another way to figure out how much money you need in retirement is by using the Rules of Thumb: Set aside at least 15% of your take-home income for retirement.

Finally, you can refer to the savings benchmarks according to age below to see how much you need to prepare. 

Source: T.Row Price

Remember that the above are general guidelines only and your retirement savings needs may vary. 

4 Common Retirement Plans In 2023

Here are some of the best retirement plans for you to consider:

1/ 401(k) Plan

This retirement savings plan offered by your employer allows you to contribute pre-tax money from your paycheck to an investment account. Several organizations also provide matching contributions to help you plan for the future.

2/ 403b Retirement Plan

Retirement planning with 403(b) plan is a good choice for employees of tax-exempt organizations. This plan is offered only by tax-exempt organizations such as public schools, universities, and non-profit organizations. 

Similar to the 401(k) Plan, the 403(b) plan allows you to contribute pre-tax dollars from your salary into an investment account. The contributions and earnings grow tax-free until you withdraw the money in retirement. 

3/ Individual Retirement Account (IRA)

An Individual Retirement Account (IRA) is a type of personal retirement account that you can open on your own or through a financial institution. Unlike a 401(k) or 403(b) plan, an IRA is not provided by an employer. It can be especially beneficial for self-employed individuals or those who work part-time.

In addition, you can choose between a traditional IRA, which offers tax-deferred contributions, or a Roth IRA, which offers tax-free withdrawals in retirement.

4/ Pension plan 

A pension plan is a sort of employer-sponsored retirement plan. It is designed to give employees a guaranteed retirement income depending on their salary and years of service with the company.

With a pension plan, you do not typically make contributions to the retirement saving yourself. Instead, your employer is responsible for managing the investments and ensuring that they have enough money in the plan to pay out retirement benefits.

Image: freepik

How Do I Start Retirement Planning?

Starting retirement planning can seem overwhelming, but it is critical to begin as soon as possible. Here are some pointers to get you started:

1/ Set retirement goals

Start by setting specific goals for your retirement, starting with questions like:

  • When do I want to retire (how old)?
  • What lifestyle do I want to have?
  • What activities do I want to pursue?

These questions will give you a clearer idea of how much money you need to save and what types of investments you may need. While it may be hard to visualize now, it will help you know your exact goal and save even 1% better each day.

Or you can set up automatic transfers for your retirement planning. It is a great way to make sure you consistently contribute to your retirement accounts.

2/ Estimate Retirement Expenses 

Estimate how much you’ll need in retirement by looking at your current expenses and how they might change in retirement. You can use an online retirement calculator to help you estimate your retirement expenses.

However, some experts recommend replacing 70% to 90% of your yearly pre-retirement income using savings and Social Security.

Photo: freepik

3/ Calculate Retirement Income 

Determine how much retirement income you can expect from sources like Social Security, pensions, and investments. The overall income will help determine how much additional savings you need to reach your retirement goals.

Then, you can compare it to your estimated retirement expenses to determine if you need to save additional money. 

4/ Develop a retirement plan

Once you have your retirement goals, estimated expenses, and expected income, create a plan to save for retirement based on them. 

You may consider the different retirement savings options available, such as employer-sponsored retirement plans, individual retirement accounts (IRAs), and taxable investment accounts. Aim to save at least 15% of your income for retirement.

5/ Review and adjust regularly

Regularly reviewing and adjusting your retirement plan is crucial to stay on track to achieve your retirement goals. Here are some reasons why you should review and adjust your plan regularly:

  • Changes in your life circumstances such as marriage, job changes, and health issues can impact your retirement savings.
  • Changes in the economy and investment landscape (e.g. recession)
  • Changes in your retirement goals. For example, you may decide to retire earlier or later than you originally planned, or you may want to adjust your retirement lifestyle.

If you’re falling short of your goals, try boosting your contributions, changing your investment strategy, or revising your retirement plans.

6/ Consider working with a financial advisor

As mentioned above, the best way to successful retirement planning is to have a financial advisor. A financial advisor can help you create a personalized retirement plan and provide guidance on investment strategies, tax planning, and other retirement planning topics.

And when choosing a financial advisor, look for someone who is experienced in retirement planning and has a fiduciary duty to act in your best interest. 

Photo: freepik

Key Takeaways

Retirement planning is a crucial aspect of your financial life that requires careful consideration and strategic thinking. By starting early, determining your retirement goals, saving consistently, diversifying your investments, and reviewing and adjusting your plan regularly, you can work towards achieving a comfortable and financially secure retirement.

If you’re looking for a dynamic and engaging way to educate others about the importance of retirement planning, AhaSlides can help! With our interactive features and customizable templates, you can create engaging and informative presentations that capture your audience’s attention and inspire them to have retirement planning goals. 

Start retirement planning today and take the first step toward a financially secure future!


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The Retirement Planning helps staff to avoid running out of money in retirement.
Know your needs, then set retirement goals, estimate retirement expenses, calculate retirement income, develop a retirement plan, then review and adjust regularly. You should consider working with a financial advisor.
Retirement planning is the way to determine income goals seniors need to have a safe and sound retirement period.

Ref: CNBC | Forbes