Best 80+ Self-Appraisal Examples | Ace your performance Review


Astrid Tran 02 May, 2023 9 min read

In the workplace, self-appraisal is often part of the performance evaluation process, where employees are asked to assess their own performance and provide feedback to their managers. This information is then used to identify areas for improvement, provide coaching and training opportunities, and set goals for the upcoming year.

However, writing your own appraisal is a daunting task. And What to say and what not to say in Self-appraisal? Check out 80 Self-appraisal examples that are certainly useful to ace your next self-assessment appraisal.

Table of Contents

self-appraisal examples
Self-appraisal examples | Source: Shutterstock

What is Self-appraisal?

Self-appraisal refers to the process of evaluating one’s own performance, abilities, and behaviours in a particular context, such as in the workplace or in a personal setting. It involves reflecting on one’s strengths and weaknesses, figuring out the needs for improvement, and setting goals for personal growth and development.

The process of self-appraisal involves several steps as follows:

  • During Self-reflection, an individual looks back at their actions, decisions, and accomplishments over a specific period. This step helps in determining strengths and weaknesses and assessing the progress made towards achieving goals.
  • Self-analysis involves assessing one’s skills, knowledge, and behaviour, and comparing them to the desired standards. This step helps in identifying areas for improvement and setting realistic goals for the future.
  • The last step, Self-evaluation, aims to assess the outcomes of one’s actions and evaluate their impact on others and the organization.

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8 Keys to Make the Most of Self-appraisal

When writing self-appraisal comments for your own performance review, it’s important to strike a balance between your achievements and areas needing improvement. Here are some tips on Self-appraisal examples: what to say and what not to say.

Self-appraisal examples – What to say

  1. Be specific: Provide specific examples of your accomplishments and how they contributed to the success of the team or organization.
  2. Focus on results: Highlight the results you achieved and how they aligned with your goals and the goals of the company.
  3. Show your skills: Describe the skills and competencies you used to achieve your goals, and how you developed those skills.
  4. Highlight areas for improvement: Identify areas where you feel you could have performed better, and outline steps you plan to take to improve in those areas.

Self-appraisal examples – What not to say

  1. Be too general: Avoid making broad statements about your performance without providing specific examples.
  2. Blame others: Don’t blame others for any shortcomings or failures, instead, take responsibility for your own actions.
  3. Be defensive: Avoid being defensive about any criticisms or negative feedback you received. Instead, acknowledge areas for improvement and commit to making positive changes.
  4. Be arrogant: Don’t come across as arrogant or overly self-promoting. Instead, focus on providing a balanced and honest assessment of your performance.

BONUS: Use the online Survey and Feedback template from AhaSlides to create an engaging self-appraisal evaluation form for your employees without making them feel under pressure.

Self-appraisal examples from AhaSlides

Best 80 Self-appraisal Examples

Self-appraisal is not only a time for you to reflect on your flaws to make amends but also a chance to show what you have accomplished, so be careful of what you are going to put in your self-performance review form. 

You might refer to some self-appraisal examples from different sources to make sure your self-appraisal feedback is constructive, thoughtful, and honest. Check out self-appraisal examples!

Self-appraisal examples for job performance

  1. I consistently met or exceeded my performance goals for the year
  2. I contributed to several key projects that helped the team achieve its objectives.
  3. I took on additional responsibilities this year, including [specific tasks or projects
  4. Iwas able to successfully balance these new duties with my existing workload.
  5. I proactively sought feedback from my colleagues and managers throughout the year.
  6. I used this feedback to make improvements in areas such as communication, teamwork, and time management.
  7. I helped motivate and inspire my colleagues to achieve their best work.
  8. I applied the new skills and knowledge I gained to improve my performance in areas such as [specific skills].
  9. I successfully navigated several challenging situations this year, including [specific examples]
  10. I remained calm, focused, and professional under pressure.
  11. I consistently demonstrated a commitment to high-quality work and attention to detail
  12. I helped ensure that our team’s output was consistent of a high standard.
  13. I showed a willingness to take on new challenges and responsibilities
  14. I worked collaboratively with my colleagues to find solutions to complex problems.
  15. I helped build stronger relationships and fostered a more positive work environment.
  16. I actively contributed to our team’s culture of continuous improvement by [specific actions]
  17. I am committed to continuing to grow and develop my skills in the coming year.
What should I write in Self-appraisal form – Self-appraisal examples | Source: Shutterstock

Self-appraisal examples for teamwork

  1. I actively participated in team meetings and discussions, offering ideas and feedback that helped move projects forward and achieve our objectives.
  2. I built strong relationships with my colleagues, providing support and encouragement when needed.
  3. I created a positive and collaborative work environment.
  4. I demonstrated strong communication skills by keeping my colleagues informed of project progress.
  5. I actively listened to their feedback and suggestions.
  6. I successfully collaborated with colleagues across different teams and departments, helping to break down silos and improve overall team performance.
  7. I took the initiative to help resolve conflicts or challenges within the team, using my problem-solving skills to find effective solutions.
  8. I actively sought out opportunities to learn from my colleagues.
  9. I shared my own knowledge and expertise to help others grow and develop their skills.
  10. I took on additional responsibilities when needed to support the team’s goals.
  11. I showed a willingness to go above and beyond to achieve success.
  12. I consistently demonstrated a positive attitude and a commitment to the team’s success, even when facing challenging situations or setbacks.
  13. I provided constructive feedback to my colleagues in a respectful and professional manner.
  14. I helped others improve their performance and achieve better results.
  15. I played an active role in building and maintaining a strong team culture.
  16. I contributed to a sense of camaraderie and mutual respect among my colleagues.

Self-appraisal examples for leaders

  1. I clearly communicated our team’s vision and goals to my colleagues.
  2. I worked to align their individual objectives with those of the organization.
  3. I effectively managed and motivated my team, providing regular feedback and recognition
  4. I helped them stay engaged and focused on achieving our objectives.
  5. I demonstrated strong decision-making skills, using a combination of data, experience, and intuition to make informed choices that benefited the team and the organization.
  6. I led by example, modeling the behaviors and values I wanted to see in my team, such as accountability, transparency, and collaboration.
  7. I proactively sought out opportunities to develop my leadership skills, attending training and development programs.
  8. I sought out feedback from colleagues and mentors, and applying new insights to my work.
  9. I effectively managed conflicts and resolved issues within the team, helping to maintain a positive and productive work environment.
  10. I fostered a culture of innovation and experimentation within the team.
  11. I encouraged colleagues to take risks and try new approaches in pursuit of our goals.
  12. I successfully navigated complex and ambiguous situations, using my strategic thinking skills to develop creative solutions that balanced short-term and long-term goals.
  13. I built strong relationships with stakeholders both inside and outside the organization.
  14. I used my networking skills to build trust and credibility and advance our team’s objectives.
  15. I consistently demonstrated a commitment to continuous improvement, seeking out ways to learn and grow as a leader and to support the growth and development of my colleagues.

Self-appraisal examples for customer relationship

  1. I consistently provided excellent customer service, responding promptly to inquiries, resolving issues quickly and effectively.
  2. I ensured that customers felt heard and valued.
  3. I proactively sought out opportunities to connect with customers, such as through follow-up calls or personalized outreach.
  4. I built stronger relationships and deepening their loyalty to the organization.
  5. I successfully identified and addressed customer needs and pain points, using my empathy and problem-solving skills to find effective solutions and improve overall customer satisfaction.
  6. I built strong relationships with key customers, taking the time to understand their unique needs and preferences.
  7. I provided tailored solutions to meet their specific requirements.
  8. I worked collaboratively with colleagues across different departments to ensure that customer needs were met in a timely and effective manner, creating a seamless customer experience.
  9. I effectively managed customer complaints and feedback, using this information to drive improvements in product and service offerings.
  10. I prevented similar issues from arising in the future.
  11. I keept customers informed of important updates and changes.
  12. I proactively provided relevant information and resources to help them succeed.
  13. I demonstrated a deep understanding of our products and services.
  14. I was able to effectively articulate their value proposition to customers, helping to increase sales and drive revenue growth.
  15. I consistently went above and beyond to exceed customer expectations, taking the initiative to provide additional support and resources.
  16. I actively sought out ways to add value to their experience.

Self-appraisal examples for attendance

  1. I maintained excellent attendance throughout the year, consistently arriving to work on time.
  2. I met all deadlines and commitments.
  3. I made every effort to attend all meetings and events, even when it required making adjustments to my schedule or working outside of normal hours.
  4. I communicated proactively with my supervisor and colleagues whenever I needed to take time off.
  5. I gave ample notice and ensured that my responsibilities were covered during my absence.
  6. I made a conscious effort to minimize any disruptions to the team’s workflow caused by my absence.
  7. I ensured that my colleagues had the resources and information they needed to continue their work in my absence.
  8. I took personal responsibility for ensuring that I was prepared and ready for work each day, making sure that I had adequate sleep and nutrition.
  9. I was able to manage any personal or family issues that might impact my attendance.
  10. I demonstrated strong time-management skills, using my time effectively and efficiently to complete my work on schedule.
  11. I minimized the need for overtime or missed work days.
  12. I showed a willingness to be flexible and adaptable when needed, taking on additional responsibilities.
  13. I adjusted my schedule to accommodate the needs of the team or the organization.
  14. I consistently met or exceeded expectations for attendance and punctuality.
  15. I took advantage of available resources and support to manage any personal or health issues that might impact my attendance, such as employee assistance programs or wellness initiatives.
  16. I actively sought out feedback from my supervisor and colleagues on my attendance and punctuality, using this information to identify areas for improvement.
Self-appraisal examples from AhaSlides

Bottom Line

Self-appraisal is a wonderful opportunity for you to encourage an ongoing process of regular reflection, analysis, and evaluation about yourself, along with highlighting your achievement and your understanding of company culture to go further in your dream career journey.

Ref: Forbes