15+ Best Summer Programs For Kids in 2024

Quizzes and Games

Jane Ng 22 April, 2024 10 min read

Want to make your child’s summer vacation more meaningful and productive? Look no further! This article will provide 15+ fun and engaging summer programs for kids to learn and grow (instead of constantly lounging around with dramatically increased screen time)!

Every child loves summer, so make this a wonderful opportunity to enjoy, develop life skills, gain knowledge, and foster family relationships through enjoyable activities.

Let’s get started!

Table of Contents

Fun Summer Programs For Kids

Summer Programs For Kids. Image: freepik

#1 – Outdoor Adventure Camps

After long periods of being indoors and making friends with an iPad, computer, or television, your kids might need to connect with nature and challenge themselves a little with adventure camps.

Participating in outdoor adventure camps is an opportunity for them to explore nature, build new skills and make new friends, and become more independent and confident.

However, you should keep in mind some elements when choosing an outdoor adventure camp for your child:

  • Make sure the camp has safety measures (trained staff, emergency procedures, and proper equipment).
  • Make sure it is suitable for your child’s age and skill level.
  • Consider the location and facilities of the camp (water sources, medical facilities).
  • Look for reviews and feedback from other parents or online.

#2 – Car Camping 

Car camping with kids can be a fun and affordable way to enjoy the great outdoors as a family. 

It is also a simple way to keep your child busy by assigning tasks such as preparing essentials like their sleeping bags and books and simple meals such as hot dogs and sandwiches. 

Don’t forget to teach your kids about fire safety, how to use camping equipment, and the importance of staying hydrated and protecting themselves from the sun and insects.

#3 – Family Road Trip 

Since keeping your kids from screaming and crying in the car because they’re bored for hours is a challenge, you might consider a short road trip to the city next door, for example.

Besides, prepare your children by informing them about the schedule, how long it will be, and what activities will be available. This will help the children become more excited and responsible during the trip.

And as with camping, you can let your child pack their own belongings and help you prepare for the trip.

#4 – Room Decoration

Let your kids get creative with their room. You can allow your child to decorate the whole or parts of the room.

However, before that, you should agree with them on the level of change, choose the theme, and the materials they need such as photos, posters, and other items they have collected.

The result will be a personalized and creative space that your child will love.

Educational Summer Programs For Kids

Summer Programs For Kids

#5 – Summer Reading 

Encouraging reading and creating a reading habit over the summer can be a wonderful experience for both your child and you. 

You can start by being a reading role model. Then find books that match your child’s interests, needs, and interests, or let your child choose which books they want to read.

In addition, you can also encourage your child to write down their feelings and opinions after reading each book, and the two of you will talk and share.

#6 – DIY A Kite and Fly It

Making and flying a kite is a fun and rewarding activity for kids of all ages. It is an activity that enhances the creativity and imagination of young children. Besides, it requires them to focus, develop hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills.

In addition to preparing the necessary materials to make the kite, let your child draw the kite’s design, and you will give some advice to adjust (if needed).

Then, choose a spacious place to fly kites such as a park, riverside, or beach to enjoy.

#7 – Write A Family Story

Encouraging communication and sharing between children and adults in the family can be difficult due to the generation gap. To solve this problem, why not encourage your children to interview the elders such as grandparents and relatives, to gather information about their family. From this information, your children can compose a story about the family.

By writing a family story, your kids not only create a fun and imaginative tale, but also a lasting memory that they will treasure forever.

#8 – Science Experiments

The fastest way to help your family “little scientists” entertain their curiosity and gain more knowledge is to do some simple science experiments at home such as:

  1. Homemade lava lamp: fill a bottle with water, food colouring, and vegetable oil. Add an Alka-Seltzer tablet to create a lava lamp effect.
  2. Exploding lunch bag: fill a small bag with vinegar and baking soda, and watch it inflate and pop.
  3. Balloon rocket: tie a straw to a string, attach a balloon, and watch it race along the line.
  4. Egg in a bottle: light a piece of paper inside a bottle and quickly place a hard-boiled egg on top. Watch as the egg is sucked into the bottle.
  5. Dancing raisins: put raisins in carbonated water and watch them float up and down.

Daytime Summer Programs For Kids

Image: freepik

#9 – Homemade Tropical Fruits Popsicles

Who doesn’t love popsicles? Let’s blend fruit, yogurt, and honey, pour them into popsicle molds, and freeze them for a refreshing and healthy treat.

#10 – Pizza Making 

Surely your children will be extremely excited when they can choose their favorite ingredients, and even prepare their own to make their dream pizza.

#12 – Gardening

Gardening is a wonderful job that you can share with your little friends. In addition to being in harmony with nature, gardening helps children develop observation, cognitive, and social skills.

When gardening, your child will ask a lot of questions, and will then work with you to find the answers. They can even discuss and share the responsibility of watering and planting seeds.

#13 – Art and Craft Projects 

Art and Craft Projects are great ways to engage kids in hands-on activities and foster their creativity. Here are some fun and easy projects you can do with your kids:

  1. Paper crafts: Origami, paper airplanes, paper fans, and confetti are all fun and easy paper crafts that kids can make with just a sheet of paper.
  2. DIY Jewelry: Kids can create their own jewelry using beads, yarn, or wire. They can make necklaces, bracelets, or earrings to wear or give as gifts.
  3. Painted Stone: Children can paint stones with their favorite designs and messages to create their own garden or desk decorations.
  4. Cardboard Crafts: Creating a fortress, castle, or car out of cardboard is a great way to engage kids in fantasy and recycling.
  5. Collage: Children can create collages using different materials, such as magazines, newspapers, tissue paper, or fabric.
Let’s make good art with stones!

#14 – Create A Play

Creating a play with children can be a fun and creative activity that allows them to use their imaginations and work together to develop a story.

You can encourage them to start by choosing a theme. It could be a favorite book, a historical event, or a made-up story. Guide your child to brainstorm ideas and come up with a basic plot.

Then let the kids write the script for the play, creating interesting and unique characters with distinct personalities and motivations. When the play is ready, have the kids perform for family and friends.

Creating a game with kids is a great way to develop their creativity, teamwork, and communication skills while providing fun and building lasting memories.

Nighttime Summer Programs For Kids

Summer Programs For Kids
Summer Programs For Kids

#15 – Stargazing

On a clear night, take the kids outside and look up at the stars. Try to spot different constellations and planets and talk about the wonders of the universe.

And also don’t forget to bring necessary things like blankets, snacks and bug spray.

#16 – Firefly Hunt

Firefly hunts are a great way for kids to connect with nature and learn about the magical creatures that live around us. 

Fireflies are small, winged beetles that emit light from their abdomens, creating a magical glow in the dark. To go on a firefly hunt, you’ll need to wait until dusk or nightfall when the fireflies come out. Once you find some fireflies, carefully catch them in your jar or container.

#17 – Outdoor Movie Night

Watching a movie under the stars is a unique and memorable experience that every kid will enjoy. 

Choose a movie your kids love and set up chairs, blankets, or pillows for seating. To make the movie night special, serve popcorn and snacks such as candy, chips, and drinks. 

It’s a great way to spend a summer evening and bond with your family. Just check the weather forecast beforehand to avoid any potential rainouts.

Create Fantastic Summer Programs For Kids With AhaSlides

Create Fantastic Summer Programs For Kids With AhaSlides!

AhaSlides is ready to help you create an interactive and engaging summer experience for your child. Here are some ideas on how to use AhaSlides features to create a fun and memorable summer:

  • Live Polls: Create fun polls to gather kids’ opinions on various topics. This can include their favourite summer activities, food, or places to visit.
  • Quizzes: Create interactive live quizzes to test kids’ knowledge of various subjects, such as science, history, or even pop culture.
  • Word Clouds: Create word clouds that display kids’ favourite things, such as summer memories, favourite foods, or favourite activities.
  • Interactive Games: Create interactive games with Random Team Generator to keep kids entertained and engaged.
  • Live Q&A: Host live Q&A sessions where kids can ask questions and get answers from experts or even other kids

Key Takeaways

Above are 15+ best ideas for summer programs for kids. Take advantage of the season and create unforgettable memories with your family!


Frequently Asked Questions

The overall feeling of relaxation and enjoyment that comes makes summer so fun. But, still got a question? We’ve got all the answers

To keep your kids busy, you can help them create a summer bucket list of fun activities and adventures they want to experience. Then, experience the activities we suggest above such as science experiments, DIY projects, gardening, etc.
Making the best summer for your child involves finding activities and experiences that are both enjoyable and enriching. So you can create a schedule or a list of activities that you and your child can do together. Consider both indoor and outdoor activities, and mix up physical, creative, and educational activities like random summer sports
Summer brings a break from school or work, warm weather, longer daylight hours, and a variety of outdoor activities such as incredible beach games, hiking, and barbecuing. It is also a time for family and friends with vacations.