Trust Issue Meaning at Work, Signs and Ways to Overcome


Astrid Tran 21 January, 2024 8 min read

Trust is a compelling factor in creating an effective and comfortable working environment. When a team loses trust, it is a negative sign of deteriorating collaboration and productivity, which leads to more unexpected outcomes for both individuals and businesses.

In this article, we’ll learn more about the trust issue meaning in the workplace. What is the cause of the trust issues? How can leaders identify and address workplace trust issues? Look no further; let’s dive into this article.

Trust issue meaning – Image: Freepik

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What is Trust Issue Meaning in The Workplace?

In psychology, trust issue meaning indicates that a person does have faith in others, with a fear that someone might betray them.

Similarly, a significant issue in the workplace is a lack of trust and reliability among colleagues, or between employers and employees, or team leaders and team members. They doubt anything that the organization, the employers, or colleagues do, and find it hard to rely on them to get tasks done.

In addition, employees with trust issues are more conspicuous when they work in groups, often find it insecure about delegating tasks to others, or always observe colleagues as if afraid they would do something wrong.

trust issue meaning
Trust issue meaning at work

5 Popular Signs of Trust Issues in The Workplace

The importance of trust issue meaning in the working environment is undeniable. Likewise, leaders have to detect signs of trust issues before they get worse and take action immediately. Here are 5 common signs of trust issues

  • Micromanagement: A team leader hovers over team members, closely monitoring every task and decision, demonstrating a lack of confidence in their ability to work independently.
  • Lack of Delegation: A manager takes on all tasks himself, avoiding delegation due to concerns about the team’s ability to handle responsibilities.
  • Blame Game: When things go wrong, team members are quick to blame others rather than addressing the problem collaboratively and accepting collective responsibility.
  • Hoarding Knowledge: When someone hoards information or expertise rather than sharing it with the team, it indicates a lack of trust in others’ abilities or job security.
  • Unwarranted Secrecy: Keeping certain aspects of a project secret or confidential for no legitimate reason can breed suspicion and distrust among team members.

11 Causes of Trust Issues in The Workplace

Trust issue meaning at work – Image: Freepik

Breathe’s Culture Economy Report studied the extent of workplace trust in small companies, and the results are unexpectedly revealing.

"Just 43% of workers have confidence in their managers and company executives. Since 2018, there has been a 16% decrease in trust."

Why does trust issue meaning in the workplace nowadays seem to be so prevalent? Let’s examine 11 common errors leaders make that damage team trust and prevent members from recognizing others’s abilities.

  • Prioritize results over people.
  • Lack of commitment to the advancement and careers of employees
  • Be aloof and indifferent in behavior.
  • Lack of understanding of challenges in employees’ work.
  • Not listening to employees’ opinions.
  • Not enough sharing and connection with employees.
  • Prioritize individual interests over group interests.
  • Take care of everything yourself and prevent other participants from solving issues at large.
  • Decline to captivate others with a compelling goal.
  • Unfounded disagreements have not been settled within the organization.
  • Don’t acknowledge their shortcomings as well.
  • Lack of responsibility for team members.

7 Crucial Keys for Building Trust in the Workplace

Horsager’s research at Trust Edge Leadership Institute has identified eight critical attributes that leaders should concentrate on if they wish to improve their capacity to inspire trust:

  • Transparency:  According to Horsager, “People distrust the ambiguous and trust the clear.” Employees should understand your goals and their roles in the organization.
  • Empathy: Trust is inspired by leaders who look out for others as well as themselves. 
  • Personality: This entails deciding to follow morality over convenience.
  • Proficiency: Remain current, wise, and competent. 
  • Commitment:  When faced with hardship, stand by your staff members, and they’ll reciprocate the favor.
  • Connection:  Build trusting bonds with your employees. Make inquiries. Discover points of agreement.
  • Participation: Put another way, yield outcomes. 

How do Leaders Deal with Trust Issues?

Leaders are extremely concerned about the trust issue meaning in the workplace. Lack of trust can lead to a toxic workplace culture, which can cause low productivity, behavioral issues, employee turnover, disagreements, and a lack of engagement. Building trust begins at the top and, when executed correctly, can have a positive impact on relationships, teamwork, and even the capacity to tackle more challenging issues. 

trust issue meaning
Trust issue meaning and how to overcome it

Here are 5 suggestions for improving trust in the workplace: 

1. Be consistentSet an example for others.

The behavior you expect from your staff members must be modeled by you as their leader. You have to be dependable if you want your team to follow you. This calls for integrity, openness, and consistency in your choices and actions. In addition, establishing fairness and consistency is crucial to fostering trust. Ensure that the criteria you use to make decisions are explicit and consistent. Employees may feel more confident in your judgment and that they are receiving fair treatment as a result.

2. Give people the chance to be independent.

Avoid micromanagement and give employees autonomy. Workers are more likely to feel appreciated and committed to their work when they are trusted with the right to autonomously make decisions. Thus, gives staff members the chance to take on new tasks and make independent decisions while still offering assistance and direction when required.

3. Promote honest and open communication

By giving your team members training, you can help them communicate more effectively. This entails making a conscious effort to invite each team member to express their opinions and to provide more context for their remarks. Show them you are receptive to their opinions, regardless of whether you agree with them or not, by listening to both positive and negative feedback. This feedback not only helps in addressing concerns promptly but also creates a culture of transparency.

4. Build Accountability

If your team consistently turns out subpar work, misses deadlines, makes the same mistakes over and over, and lacks trust, there may be an accountability issue. Recall that without accountability, excellent management is impossible. Therefore, the leaders’ ability to take personal responsibility and foster accountability within the team is critical to the group’s performance as well as the trust that each member of the group has in the group. 

5. Encourage employee interactions and engagement

After all, all employees are humans, trust can be learned. Therefore, there is no better way to build trust in the workplace than engaging everyone in a bonding activity like team outings, team lunches, or office activities. Whether it’s a weeklong retreat or quick icebreakers, let’s offer them space where they can bring their full selves to the workplace.

Key Takeaways

The more you work on building and maintaining faith in the workplace, the more cohesive your team will become. With the right leadership, encouragement, appreciation, and instruments, your team can reach new heights of collaboration and performance.

💡How to help your team build trust and empathy? With AhaSlides, an amazing tool for virtual meetings, team-building, feedback collection, and corporate training, you can more easily create an inclusive working environment where everyone is happy to contribute to the common goals of the team.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a trust issue?

The phrase “trust issues” is used indiscriminately to describe people who exhibit persistently distrusting behaviors, especially in close relationships. It encourages the stigmatization of difficult emotional problems. Persistent mistrust can have an impact on your perception of yourself and every relationship in your life.

What does it mean when someone says trust issues?

Even when there is no valid reason, people with trust issues believe that someone has betrayed them. They believe they are fooled.  No matter how honest someone has been in past times, individuals with trust issues frequently assume they will be betrayed soon enough. 

Is trust issue a feeling?

Some people only consider feelings when discussing beliefs. They experience a lot and develop as thinkers, and it’s normal for them to lack confidence in their environment. It only demonstrates how realistic and cautious they are. But there are also numerous instances in which the lack of trust is a sickness that requires extensive treatment and sometimes necessitates psychological counseling to fully recover.

Ref: Risely