Ultimate Year End Review | Examples, Tips, and Phrases | 2024 Reveals


Astrid Tran 22 April, 2024 10 min read

How to Ace the Year End Review? What to say in Year End Review? Even if you are not good at writing, A Year End Review is a must for years to come. Check out the ultimate guide plus examples, and phrases to write your best Year End Review. 

Year End Reviews can be very beneficial for a company in many ways. When organizations know how to make the most of Year End Reviews, it will be a competitive advantage for companies to stay ahead of their rivals. And individuals, of course, become a better version of themselves. 

year end review
Year End Review example | Source: Shutterstock

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Purposes of a Year End Review

Year End Reviews are a common practice for both individuals and businesses to reflect on the past year and plan for the upcoming year. While some people may view the Year End Review as a tedious task, it is actually an important practice that serves several purposes, particularly in a professional setting.

Evaluate performance

One of the primary purposes of a Year End Review is to evaluate performance. In a professional setting, this means looking back on the goals that were set for the year and assessing how well they were achieved. This process helps individuals and organizations identify successes, challenges, and opportunities for growth.

Plan for the future

Another important purpose of a Year End Review is to plan for the future. Based on the successes and challenges of the past year, individuals and organizations can set new goals for the upcoming year. This process helps ensure that efforts are focused on achieving the most important objectives and that resources are allocated appropriately.

Acknowledge accomplishments

Taking the time to review the accomplishments of the past year is also an important purpose of the Year End Review. This practice helps individuals and organizations acknowledge the hard work and effort that went into achieving those accomplishments. Recognizing accomplishments can also help boost morale and motivation for the upcoming year.

Identify areas for improvement:

Year End Review also helps to identify areas for improvement. This practice helps individuals and organizations pinpoint areas where changes need to be made in order to improve performance or achieve new goals. Identifying areas for improvement can also help prevent repeating past mistakes.

Provide feedback

The Year End Review also provides an opportunity for feedback. Individuals can provide feedback on their own performance, while managers can provide feedback on the performance of their team members. This process can help individuals identify areas where they need additional support or training and can also help managers identify areas where their team members are excelling or struggling.

Year End Review examples – Source: Shutterstock

How to write a Year End Review? (9 Tips to Practice)

Year End Review is a valuable opportunity to reflect on your past year and set the stage for your growth and success in the upcoming year. By following these tips, you can write a comprehensive and effective Year End Review that will help you achieve your goals and continue to grow and develop.

  • Start early: Don’t wait until the last minute to start your Year End Review. Give yourself enough time to reflect on the past year, gather your thoughts, and write a well-organized review.
  • Be honest and objective: When reflecting on the past year, be honest with yourself and avoid sugarcoating your accomplishments or failures. Recognize your strengths and weaknesses, and identify areas for growth.
  • Use specific examples: When discussing your achievements and challenges, use specific examples to illustrate your points. This will make your Year End Review more meaningful and demonstrate your value to your organization or personal growth.
  • Focus on outcomes: When it comes to achievements, you should focus on the outcomes and results you achieved rather than just listing your responsibilities. Highlight the impact you made and the value you brought to your organization or personal life.
  • Analyze challenges: Think about the challenges you faced over the past year, both personal and professional. Consider what caused these challenges and how you overcame them. Did you learn anything from these experiences that will help you in the future?
  • Include feedback: If you received feedback from colleagues or supervisors over the past year, include it in your Year End Review. This demonstrates your willingness to listen and learn from others, and can show your commitment to self-improvement.

HINT: Using collaborative survey tools like AhaSlides to improve real time respondence and analysis.

  • Don’t forget to celebrate: It’s important to celebrate your achievements and successes over the past year. Take time to acknowledge your hard work and accomplishments, and use them as motivation to continue to grow and succeed.
  • Set goals: Use your Year End Review to set specific, measurable goals for the upcoming year. Make sure these goals are aligned with your personal and/or professional aspirations, and set a plan to achieve them.
  • Edit and proofread: After you have written your Year End Review, take some time to edit and proofread it. Make sure it’s clear, concise, and error-free.
Year End review example | AhaSlides

Year End Review Examples

Personal Year End Review example

As the year draws to a close, it’s a good time to reflect on the past year and set goals for the upcoming year. In the Personal Year End Review, you can reflect on your personal goals, accomplishments, and areas for improvement in the past year.

Reflection on Personal Goals

At the beginning of the year, I set several personal goals, including exercising more regularly, reading more books, and spending more time with friends and family. Looking back, I’m proud to say that I achieved all of these goals. I made a habit of exercising three times a week, read 20 books throughout the year, and made an effort to plan more outings with my loved ones.

Setting New Personal Goals

Based on previous reflections, you might identify several new personal goals for the upcoming year. For examples:

  • Planning at least one outing with friends or family each month
  • Limiting time spent on social media and television to allow more time for reading and personal development
  • Implementing a daily routine that includes exercise, meditation, and goal-setting

Performance Year End Review example

When it comes to Job Performance Year End Review, the managers or leaders can write appraisals on his or her achievements, challenges, areas of growth, and suggest plans for the upcoming year.


Over the past year, you’ve achieved several significant milestones. I acknowledged for your contribution on our company several projects which are ahead of schedule and received recognition from other colleagues. You also took the initiative to develop your skills in project management and attended a professional development course to improve your leadership skills.

Areas for Growth

Based on my observation over the past year, I’ve identified several areas for you to grow. One area is to continue to develop your leadership skills, especially in terms of motivating and managing team members. It is recommended to focus on improving your time management skills and prioritization, so that you can stay on top of my workload and avoid unnecessary stress.

Business Year End Review example

Here is a sample of Year End Review for a business in it report with their stakeholders. It should deliver the value and benefits which its stakeholders have got in the past year and the reason for continuing collaborate with the company in the next year.

“Dear valued stakeholders,

As we close out another year, I want to take this opportunity to reflect on the progress we have made as a business and share our plans for the future.

This year has been challenging, but also full of opportunities for growth and innovation. We are proud to report that we achieved many of our goals, including increasing revenue and expanding our customer base.

Looking ahead, we are excited to continue building on this momentum. Our focus for the next year will be on expanding our product line, increasing efficiency, and continuing to innovate to meet the needs of our customers.”

Year End Review examples

35-Year End Review phrases

If you are stuck on what to write in a performance review whether you are manager or employee, here is the complete list of Year End Review phrases that you can put on your review form.


1. Demonstrated an exceptional ability to learn and apply new skills quickly.

2. Showed strong initiative in seeking out opportunities to develop new skills and knowledge.

3. Consistently displayed a high level of competence in [specific skill or area].

4. Successfully applied [specific skill or area] to achieve outstanding results in [project/task].

5. Demonstrated excellent problem-solving skills, consistently finding creative solutions to complex issues.

6. Developed a new skill set that significantly contributed to the success of the project/team/company.

7. Continuously improved [specific skill or area] through ongoing training and development opportunities.

8. Displayed a strong work ethic and dedication to improving [specific skill or area] in order to achieve personal/professional growth.”

9. Contributed positively to the workplace culture, promoting teamwork and collaboration.

10. Demonstrated strong leadership skills in guiding the team towards achieving our goals.


11. Demonstrated a tendency to procrastinate or become easily distracted, which negatively impacted productivity.

12. Received feedback regarding [specific behavior or performance] and struggled to make improvements.

13. Missed important details or made mistakes that required corrective action.

14. Encountered challenges related to collaboration or communication with team members, resulting in delays or misunderstandings.

15. Struggled with time management and prioritization, leading to incomplete or unfinished work.

16. Difficulty managing stress or workload, resulting in decreased productivity or burnout.

17. Experienced difficulty adapting to changes in the workplace, including [specific changes].

Need improvement

18. Identified opportunities to improve [specific skill or area] and proactively sought out training and development opportunities.

19. Demonstrated a willingness to receive feedback and took action to address areas for improvement.

20. Took on additional responsibilities to develop skills and gain experience in areas of weakness.

21. Recognized the importance of improving [specific skill or area] and consciously prioritised it throughout the year.

22. Made strides in improving [specific skill or area] and consistently demonstrated progress over the course of the year.

23. Took ownership of mistakes and actively worked to learn from them and improve.

24. Recognized areas with more attention and took steps to improve overall productivity.

Goal setting

25. Participated in training programs or workshops that focused on areas in need of improvement.

26. Identified barriers to success and developed strategies to overcome them.

27. Engaged in ongoing self-reflection to identify areas for improvement and set goals for the upcoming year.

28. Revised and adjusted goals as needed to ensure they remained relevant and achievable.

29. Set challenging but achievable goals that pushed me to grow and develop my skills.

30. Identified potential obstacles to achieving my goals and develop strategies to overcome them.

Business review

31. We exceeded our revenue targets for the year and achieved strong profitability.

32. Our customer base grew significantly, and we received positive feedback on our products/services.

33. Despite the challenges posed by the pandemic, we adapted quickly and maintained our operations, ensuring our business continuity.

34. We invested in our employees and created a positive workplace culture that resulted in high employee satisfaction and retention.

35. We demonstrated a commitment to corporate social responsibility by implementing sustainable practices, supporting local communities, and donating to charitable causes.

Final Thoughts

Many people reckon that performance review is more biased and subjective. But Year End review is always two-way communication between the company and the employee, and other stakeholders, you and yourself. It is the best occasion to take stock of things that were valuable and things that weren’t from the previous year.

Ref: Forbes